Connecting the freedom we have in Christ with the brokenness and hurt most people feel. Jim is often found in coffee shops, restaurants, and bars engaging people with truth.
Writing with clarity and wit so that the complexities of the Bible are both inviting and accessible. Jim loves to engage the reader while blending theology with cultural issues.
Bringing the stories of the Bible alive with humor so that redemption becomes real and personal. Jim loves to engage controversial and complex issues without being too “ivory-tower.”
When you listen to Jim’s podcasts, you will experience a blend of relational warmth and thought-provoking truth. With regular surprising insights, each sermon is theologically shaped along God’s redemptive care of his creation and people. The freedom that we experience as Christians comes through with each sermon.
Ever feel lost or stuck when reading and trying to apply the Bible? You’re not alone! At the heart of this book is the question, “How do you bring the wisdom of the Bible to address a specific problem when the Bible does not give a clear answer, or where the situation is radically different from that in the Bible?” If you ever wrestle with this question, then this book is for you.